Ninja features so called “Maven archetypes”. These archetypes are blueprints that allow you to generate a new project with a single command.
In Ninja's case we recommend to create a new Ninja project based on our “ninja-servlet-archetype-simple”.
You can use that archetype as starting point to create your own application.
The command to do so is:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.ninjaframework -DarchetypeArtifactId=ninja-servlet-archetype-simple
Please enter sensible values for “groupId” and “artifactId” and let Maven generate your first Ninja project.
After finishing the generation change into your project directory and execute:
cd MY_INSTALLED_PROJECT mvn clean install // to generate the compiled classes the first time mvn ninja:run // to start Ninja's SuperDevMode
This starts Ninja's SuperDevMode. Simply open http://localhost:8080 in your browser. You'll see Ninja demo project ready to work on. That's it basically. You just created your first Ninja application!
NOTE: There is a second archetype available, more advanced, that provides you quite a simple blog application. Please refer to the Working with relational DBs for more information.