Mocked tests are really fast tests. They allow you to test certain areas of your application in isolation.
Consider the following controller. This controller gets a Dao injected. And the controller method “postArticleJson” return a result with an HTTP code “ok” when the article can be posted, and an HTTP code “not found” when the article cannot be posted.
public class ApiController { @Inject ArticleDao articleDao; public Result postArticleJson(@LoggedInUser String username, ArticleDto articleDto) { boolean succeeded = articleDao.postArticle(username, articleDto); if (!succeeded) { return Results.notFound(); } else { return Results.ok(); } } }
Mocked tests are done via Mockito. A corresponding test would test if the controller really returns an “ok” or “not found”.
@RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) public class ApiControllerMockTest { @Mock ArticleDao articleDao; ApiController apiController; @Before public void setupTest() { apiController = new ApiController(); apiController.articleDao = articleDao; } @Test public void testThatPostArticleReturnsOkWhenArticleDaoReturnsTrue() { when(articleDao.postArticle(null, null)).thenReturn(true); Result result = apiController.postArticleJson(null, null); assertEquals(200, result.getStatusCode()); } @Test public void testThatPostArticleReturnsNotFoundWhenArticleDaoReturnsFalse() { when(articleDao.postArticle(null, null)).thenReturn(false); Result result = apiController.postArticleJson(null, null); assertEquals(404, result.getStatusCode()); } }
Mockito is really powerful. Please have a look at their site at: It contains a lot more documentation and wonderful examples how to test your code in a beautiful way.