All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractConsole<T extends AbstractConsole> |
Abstract Console that implements most functionality required to write
a concrete Console.
AbstractContext |
Abstract Context.Impl that implements features that are not reliant
on the concrete Context implementation.
AbstractStandalone<T extends AbstractStandalone> |
Abstract Standalone that implements most functionality required to write
a concrete Standalone.
AbstractWebSocketHandshake |
AopUtils |
AOP utility methods.
ApplicationFilters |
Allows to define filters that are applied to every request of your application.
ApplicationRoutes |
Implement this file in directory conf/ to set up your routes...
ArgumentClassHolder |
This is used to hold the argument class, so that it can be injected into
extractors/validators so they can know what type they are extracting.
ArgumentExtractor<T> |
Extracts a controller argument from the context
ArgumentExtractors |
Built in argument extractors
ArgumentExtractors.AttributeExtractor |
ArgumentExtractors.BodyAsExtractor<T> |
ArgumentExtractors.ContextExtractor |
ArgumentExtractors.FileItemParamExtractor |
ArgumentExtractors.FileItemParamsExtractor |
ArgumentExtractors.FileParamExtractor |
ArgumentExtractors.FileParamsExtractor |
ArgumentExtractors.FlashExtractor |
ArgumentExtractors.HeaderExtractor |
ArgumentExtractors.HeadersExtractor |
ArgumentExtractors.InputStreamParamExtractor |
ArgumentExtractors.InputStreamParamsExtractor |
ArgumentExtractors.ParamExtractor |
ArgumentExtractors.ParamsExtractor |
ArgumentExtractors.PathParamExtractor |
ArgumentExtractors.SessionExtractor |
ArgumentExtractors.SessionParamExtractor |
ArgumentExtractors.ValidationExtractor |
AssetsController |
This controller serves public resources under /assets.
AssetsControllerHelper |
AsyncResult |
An async result
Attribute |
Injects an attribute value into a controller method invocation.
AuthenticityFilter |
AutoStandalone |
Automatically finds a standalone to start a Ninja app.
BadCronExpressionException |
Exception thrown if there is a problem when parsing a CRON expression.
BadRequestException |
A convenience unchecked exception.
BasicAuthFilter |
A Ninja filter that implements HTTP BASIC Authentication.
BodyParserEngine |
BodyParserEngineJson |
Built in Json body parser.
BodyParserEngineManager |
BodyParserEngineManagerImpl |
BodyParserEngineMultipartPost |
BodyParserEnginePost |
BodyParserEngineXml |
Built in Xml body parser.
Bootstrap |
Bootstrap for a Ninja application.
Cache |
Interface hiding cache implementation.
CacheEhCacheImpl |
EhCache implementation.
CacheException |
CacheMemcachedImpl |
Memcached implementation (using
expiration is specified in seconds.
CacheProvider |
A provider that determines which implementation to load as a Cache based on
the value of a configuration key in NinjaProperties (aka application.conf).
Clock |
ClockImpl |
Console<T extends Console> |
ConstraintViolation |
A validation constraint violation
ContentTypes |
Context |
Deprecated. |
Context.Impl |
Impl is used to hide stuff that a user should not see on
code completion.
ControllerMethodInvoker |
Invokes methods on the controller, extracting arguments out
ControllerMethods |
Functional interfaces for Ninja controller methods accepting up to X
number of arguments with type inference.
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod |
Marker interface that all functional interfaces will extend.
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod0 |
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod1<A> |
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod10<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J> |
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod11<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K> |
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod12<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L> |
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod13<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M> |
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod14<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N> |
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod15<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O> |
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod2<A,B> |
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod3<A,B,C> |
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod4<A,B,C,D> |
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod5<A,B,C,D,E> |
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod6<A,B,C,D,E,F> |
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod7<A,B,C,D,E,F,G> |
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod8<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H> |
ControllerMethods.ControllerMethod9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I> |
Cookie |
An HTTP cookie
Cookie.Builder |
CookieDataCodec |
CookieDataCodec and CookieDataCodecTest are imported from Play Framework.
CookieEncryption |
This class encrypts/decrypts session cookie data.
CronExpression |
Represent a CRON expression.
CronExpressionPart |
Represents a subpart of a CRON expression.
Crypto |
DateUtil |
DefaultWebSockets |
Default implementation of WebSockets (which is of course disabled).
DiagnosticError |
Represents an application error/exception that includes extra
information in order to diagnose it.
DiagnosticErrorBuilder |
Utility class for building DiagnosticError instances.
DiagnosticErrorRenderer |
Utility class for rendering DiagnosticError instances as
a Result.
DiskFileItemProvider |
Dispose |
Annotation indicating this method should be called on application shut down.
FailedDisposeException |
Exception thrown when an error occurs when disposing of a bean
FailedStartException |
Exception thrown when an error occurs while starting a bean
FieldViolation |
FileItem |
This interface represents a file or form item that was received within a
multipart/form-data POST request.
FileItemProvider |
This interface represents a file item provider, to create FileItem for each uploaded file.
FileProvider |
Indicates that this annotation should use the given file provider to handle uploaded files.
Filter |
A simple filter that can be applied to controller methods or while classes.
FilterChain |
A filter chain
FilterWith |
A simple annotation that let's you put a filter on a controller method or
FlashScope |
Flash Scope consists of two kinds of data: "current" and "outgoing".
FlashScopeImpl |
Default FlashScope implementation.
ForbiddenRequestException |
A convenience unchecked exception.
ForwardingServiceLoader<T> |
Forwards method calls to an underlying java.util.ServiceLoader -- mainly to
allow participating and mocking in unit tests.
FrameworkModule |
Application modules that extend this class will skip Ninja's default
"classic" configuration and start with an empty slate.
Header |
Just an idea to inject a header right into the methods...
Headers |
Injects a multi-valued header right into the methods...
HttpCacheToolkit |
HttpCacheToolkitImpl |
HttpHeaderConstants |
Yet another Http Header Constants file.
HttpHeaderUtils |
ImplFromPropertiesFactory<T> |
An abstract provider that determines which implementation to load based on
the value of key in NinjaProperties (aka application.conf).
InternalServerErrorException |
A convenience unchecked exception.
IsDate |
Validates that the field is a date.
IsEnum |
Validates that the field is a valid enum constant.
IsFloat |
Validates that the field is a floating point number.
IsInteger |
Validates that the field is an integer.
JSR303Validation |
Validates that the annotated element is conform to its JSR303-Annotations
LambdaRoute |
Lambdas |
Lambdas.Kind |
The kind of lambda.
Lambdas.LambdaInfo |
Lang |
LangImpl |
Length |
Validates that the length of the field meets the given length constraints
LifecycleException |
Exception thrown when an error occurs in the lifecycle
LifecycleService |
Responsible for starting/stopping the application
LifecycleServiceImpl |
Implementation of the lifecycle service
LifecycleSupport |
Guice support for lifecycle
LogbackConfigurator |
Helps to configure Logback from application.conf via a property named
LoggerProvider |
Matches |
Validates that the parameter matches the given regular expression
MemoryFileItemProvider |
Message |
A pojo to be renderd as Json or Xml.
Messages |
MessagesImpl |
MethodReference |
Compound key of a Class and the name of a method in it.
MimeTypes |
MimeTypes utils Adapted from play 1.2.4
Ninja |
NinjaBaseDirectoryResolver |
NinjaBaseModule |
The basic configuration of the main ninja framework.
NinjaCache |
A convenience class to access the underlying cache implementation.
NinjaClassicModule |
The classic configuration of the ninja framework (jackson, freemarker,
postoffice, etc.)
NinjaConsole |
NinjaConsole.ConsoleBootstrap |
NinjaConstant |
NinjaDefault |
NinjaException |
A convenience unchecked exception.
NinjaMode |
NinjaModeHelper |
NinjaProperties |
NinjaPropertiesImpl |
NinjaPropertiesImpl.Builder |
NinjaPropertiesImplTool |
NoFileItemProvider |
FileItemProvider default's implementation, to indicate to not handle uploaded files, and
let the users deal with the request by themselves
NoHttpBody |
NumberValue |
Validates that the value of a number meets certain parameters
ObjectMapperProvider |
ObjectMapper is used in several classes.
OverlayedNinjaProperties |
Helper utility for handling Ninja properties using a simple "overlayed" view
of them.
Param |
Just an idea to inject parameters right into the methods...
ParamParser<T> |
Parses a String parameter
ParamParsers |
Built in parsers for parameters
ParamParsers.ArrayParamParser<T> |
Parses a multi-valued parameter as an array of registered types.
ParamParsers.BooleanParamParser |
ParamParsers.ByteParamParser |
ParamParsers.CharacterParamParser |
ParamParsers.CsvParamParser<T> |
Parses a single string value as a CSV array of registered types.
ParamParsers.DateParamParser |
ParamParsers.DoubleParamParser |
ParamParsers.EmptyStringParamParser |
ParamParsers.FloatParamParser |
ParamParsers.GenericEnumParamParser<E extends Enum<E>> |
ParamParsers.IntegerParamParser |
ParamParsers.ListParamParser<T> |
ParamParsers.LongParamParser |
ParamParsers.PrimitiveBooleanParamParser |
ParamParsers.PrimitiveByteParamParser |
ParamParsers.PrimitiveCharacterParamParser |
ParamParsers.PrimitiveDoubleParamParser |
ParamParsers.PrimitiveFloatParamParser |
ParamParsers.PrimitiveIntegerParamParser |
ParamParsers.PrimitiveLongParamParser |
ParamParsers.PrimitiveShortParamParser |
ParamParsers.ShortParamParser |
ParamParsers.StringParamParser |
ParamParsers.UUIDParamParser |
Params |
Injects a multi-valued parameter right into the methods...
ParsingArgumentExtractor<T> |
Argument extractor that parses the String argument into another type
ParsingArrayExtractor<X> |
Argument extractor that parses the String[] argument into a X[]
PathParam |
Just an idea to inject parameters right into the methods...
Renderable |
Renderables can be returned inside a result.
RenderingException |
A convenience unchecked exception for "rendering" exceptions.
RequestNotFoundException |
A convenience unchecked exception.
Required |
ResponseStreams |
Make sure to only write to either the OutputStream OR the Writer...
Result |
ResultHandler |
Results |
Convenience methods for the generation of Results.
ReverseRouter |
Reverse routing.
ReverseRouter.Builder |
Route |
A route
RouteBuilder |
RouteBuilderImpl |
RouteParameter |
Parameter in a Route.
Router |
RouterImpl |
RoutingException |
Exception thrown when an error in route configuration is found
Schedule |
Schedules the annotated method for execution
Scheduler |
The actual scheduler
SchedulerSupport |
Support for scheduling using annotations
SecretGenerator |
SecureFilter |
A simple default implementation of a SecureFilter.
Session |
SessionImpl |
SessionParam |
Inject a session value to a controller method invocation
SourceSnippet |
Represents a snippet of a source file (1 or more lines).
SourceSnippetHelper |
Utility class for reading lines (snippet) from a source file.
Standalone<T extends Standalone> |
Interface for wrapping an underlying server (e.g.
StandaloneHelper |
Helper utilities for working with standalone applications.
Start |
Annotation indicating this method should be called when the application starts up.
State |
States that are possible for a service.
SwissKnife |
A helper class that contains a lot of random stuff that helps to get things
TemplateEngine |
TemplateEngineFreemarker |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerAssetsAtMethod |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerAuthenticityFormDirective |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerAuthenticityTokenDirective |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerExceptionHandler |
A general exception handler for Freemarker.
TemplateEngineFreemarkerI18nMethod |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerPrettyTimeMethod |
PrettyTime integration for Ninja-FreeMarker.
TemplateEngineFreemarkerReverseRouteHelper |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerReverseRouteMethod |
TemplateEngineFreemarkerWebJarsAtMethod |
TemplateEngineHelper |
Helper methods for template engines
TemplateEngineJson |
TemplateEngineJsonP |
JSONP engine.
TemplateEngineManager |
Template engine manager.
TemplateEngineManagerImpl |
TemplateEngineText |
TemplateEngineXml |
TimeUtil |
UsernamePasswordValidator |
Defines a validator for authentication filters like ninja.BasicAuthFilter.
ValidatingArgumentExtractor<T> |
Argument extractor that wraps another argument extractor and validates
its argument
Validation |
This interface means the validation context (implemented by ValidationImpl ) and can be injected in your
controller method.
ValidationImpl |
Validation object
Validator<T> |
A validator for validating parameters
Validators |
Built in validators.
Validators.DateValidator |
Validators.EnumValidator |
Validators.FloatValidator |
Validators.IntegerValidator |
Validators.JSRValidator |
Validators.LengthValidator |
Validators.MatchesValidator |
Validators.NumberValidator |
Validators.RequiredValidator |
Validators.UUIDValidator |
WebSocketHandshake |
Represents a websocket handshake.
WebSocketHandshakeExtractor |
Extracts a WebSocketHandshake stored in the Context as an attribute.
WebSockets |
Interface for implementations of web sockets in Ninja.
WebSocketUtils |
Utilities for implementing WebSockets.
WithArgumentExtractor |
Indicates that this annotation should use the given argument extractor
WithArgumentExtractors |
Indicates that this annotation should use the given argument extractors
Allows to specify more than one argument extractor, see WithArgumentExtractor
WithControllerMethod<T> |
Interface that exposes multiple with methods that accept a large number of
various argument combinations.
WithValidator |
Indicates that the annotation should have this validator class applied to it
WrappedContext |
A wrapped context.
XmlMapperProvider |
This provider makes it simple to configure the XmlMapper in one place
for all places where it is used.