ArgumentClassHolder |
This is used to hold the argument class, so that it can be injected into
extractors/validators so they can know what type they are extracting.
ArgumentExtractor |
Extracts a controller argument from the context
Attribute |
Injects an attribute value into a controller method invocation.
ControllerMethodInvoker |
Invokes methods on the controller, extracting arguments out
Header |
Just an idea to inject a header right into the methods...
Headers |
Injects a multi-valued header right into the methods...
Param |
Just an idea to inject parameters right into the methods...
ParamParser |
Parses a String parameter
ParamParsers.ArrayParamParser |
Parses a multi-valued parameter as an array of registered types.
ParamParsers.ListParamParser |
Params |
Injects a multi-valued parameter right into the methods...
PathParam |
Just an idea to inject parameters right into the methods...
SessionParam |
Inject a session value to a controller method invocation
WithArgumentExtractor |
Indicates that this annotation should use the given argument extractor
WithArgumentExtractors |
Indicates that this annotation should use the given argument extractors
Allows to specify more than one argument extractor, see WithArgumentExtractor