Great you want to contribute!
It's really simple. Well. There are some rules that you should follow:
The process is mostly automated and convenient.
- Make sure you are following the code style below.
- Make sure your feature is well tested.
- Make sure your feature is well documented (Javadoc).
- Make sure there is documentation for your feature at ninja-core/src/site/markdown.
- Make sure your feature runs inside ninja-integration-test
or ninja-servlet-jpa-blog-integration-test if you wrote a feature related to JPA.
- Add your changes to and your name to
Sign the contributor agreement (electronically) and
send us a pull request to become a happy member of the Ninja family :)
Code style
- Don't use null
– This is not yet the case across the whole codebase.
– For new code the rule of thumb is: Never use null. Consider using Optional instead.
– More:
- Make things immutable (ImmutableMap etc)
– This is not yet the case across the whole codebase.
– New code should use immutability where possible.
– Makes it easy to reason about state of variables and makes multithreading a breeze.
- New tests should use AssertJ (and no longer hamcrest or Junit equals).
– AssertJ makes tests easier to read and understand + it gives better error messages
- Consider using the builder pattern
– Constructors with many parameters are hard to read. A builder can help.
– A builder has to work like MyNewClass.builder(). … .build(). (Notice the static builder() - no “new” is needed).
- Default Sun Java / Eclipse code style (a default config for eclipse can be found at the project root eclipse-ninja-format.xml.
- If you change only tiny things only reformat stuff you actually changed. Otherwise reviewing is really hard.
- We use spaces / 4 spaces as a tab in all files (java, xml…).
- Files in git repo should have unix (LF) file endings. We are using the .gitattributes file to handle that for you.
- All files are UTF-8.
Making a Ninja release
- Preparations
- Make sure you are using for versioning.
- Make sure is updated
- Make sure ninja-core/src/site/markdown/documentation/ top version is updated
- Make sure the archetypes are up-to-date (Ninja version must match release version)
- Make sure the archetypes version in docu (JPA + getting_started) matches release version
- Release to central maven repo
Make sure you got the credentials properly set up in your .m2/settings.xml:
- <server>
- <id>ossrh</id>
- <username>sonatype username</username>
- <password>sonatype password</password>
- </server>
- Publish website
Make sure you got the credentials properly set up in your .m2/settings.xml:
- <server>
- <id>github-project-site</id>
- <username>git</username>
- </server>
- git checkout TAG
- cd ninja-core
- mvn site site:deploy
And back to develop: