Sometimes you have to do some tasks in a scheduled way. Let's say every 24 hours.
To make that happen in Ninja you need two things
The class and method then looks like:
@Singleton public class ScheduledAction { @Schedule(delay = 60, initialDelay = 5, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) public void doStuffEach60Seconds() { // do stuff } }
Don't forget to bind the class explicitly inside conf/
public class Module extends AbstractModule { protected void configure() { bind(ScheduledAction.class); } }
By that Ninja will execute method doStuffEach60Seconds each - well - 60 seconds.
Sometimes you need to schedule tasks in an advanced way and without depending on when the application has started. For this you can use a CRON expression.
The format of the CRON expression must be : second, minute, hour, day of month, month and day of week.
Unit | Value | Step Value | Extra Information |
Second | 0 - 59 | 1 - 60 | – |
Minute | 0 - 59 | 1 - 60 | – |
Hour | 0 - 23 | 1 - 24 | – |
Day of Month | 0 - 31 | 1 - 32 | – |
Month | 0 - 12 | 1 - 13 | – |
Day of Week | 0 - 6 | 1 - 7 | 0: Sunday, 1: Monday, ..., 6: Saturday |
@Singleton public class ScheduledAction { @Schedule(cron = "0 */5 * * * *") public void doStuffEach5minutes() { // do stuff } @Schedule(cron = "0 0 23 * * *", cronZone = "Europe/Paris") public void doStuffEachDayAt23HourEuropeParis() { // do stuff } @Schedule(cron = "0 30 2,14 * * 1-5") public void doStuffTwiceADayFromMondayToFriday() { // do stuff } }