Freemarker is the templating language we are using for rendering views. It can do a lot of cool stuff, and you should refer to to learn more.
The Freemarker Configuration
object can be accessed via your application TemplateEngineFreemarker
singleton. According to the FreeMarker documentation, the configuration will be thread-safe once all settings have been set via a safe publication technique. Therefore, consider modifying it only within an extended NinjaDefault
class, during the framework start.
package conf; public class Ninja extends NinjaDefault { @Inject protected TemplateEngineFreemarker templateEngineFreemarker; @Override public void onFrameworkStart() { super.onFrameworkStart(); Configuration freemarkerConfiguration = templateEngineFreemarker.getConfiguration(); ... } }
While you can access the Freemarker Configuration
object, you can add your own custom functions using Java code:
freemarkerConfiguration.setSharedVariable("upper", new TemplateMethodModelEx() { @Override public Object exec(List args) throws TemplateModelException { return new SimpleScalar(args.get(0).toString().toUpperCase()); } });
And in your template:
${upper('Make me upper case.')}
But for templating purpose, you can also do it by defining sets of macro
functions in separate .ftl.html files.
<#macro bold> <b><#nested /></b> </#macro>
And in your template :
<#import "../layout/functions.ftl.html" as f> <@f.bold>Make me bold</@f.bold>
This last way should help you making reusable macros when using one or another HTML/CSS framework.